Slice of meat with vegetables - Meat is a common type of kitchen waste. can you compost meat?

Can You Compost Meat – Caution for Pests


What You'll Learn

With all the kitchen waste we produce, meat seems like a great opportunity to compost.  Unfortunately, you should not compost meat.   While meat would eventually break down, getting there takes a long time and has several problems.

The Problem With Composting Meat

There are several problems with composting meat that make doing so a bad idea:

  • Contamination – Raw meat can have a number of diseases living in it like E.Coli, Listeria, and Salmonella.  These are all very harmful to humans and thrive in the warm, human environment of compost.  They can then contaminate the compost and wherever you end up using it.
  • Smell – As the meat breaks down, it rots and then stinks. 
  • Pests – The rotting meat attracts animals and insects to your compost.  Part of this is because of the smell.
  • Meat Takes a Long Time to Break Down – Meat is filled with proteins and fats.  These take a long time to break down, making the other problems last even longer.
rats on wood.  Composting animal products will often attract pests

Can I Compost Meat?

Technically you can compost meat, but unless you are using hot composting, you want to avoid composting meat. It smells, can attract pests, and takes a long time to compost.

Frequently Asked Questions About Composting Meat

Can you compost meat and bones?

No.   Bones will have the same problem as meat. You don’t want to compost either of them. Rotting meat just doesn’t work well sitting outside in a warm pile.

Can you compost meat scraps?

No.  The amount or type of meat doesn’t matter.  Unlike other materials where we often recommend cutting it up, you don’t want to try to compost meat scraps.

Can You Put Meat in Compost

Generally speaking, composting meat is a bad idea, and you want to avoid it for sanitary, health, and lifestyle reasons.  No one wants rotting compost around.