happy couple selecting pickles when shopping but can you compost pickles?

Can You Compost Pickles? Succeed with Moderation


What You'll Learn

You can add pickles to your compost, but you need to be concerned about a couple of things.  So, can you compost pickles – yes.  Should you compost pickles?  Only in moderation.

Pickles are made in vinegar, which is largely acetic acid.  As we’ve seen with other acidic compost items, like oranges, too much acid in your compost isn’t good for the composting process or the plants that it will eventually go on.  In fact, you can use vinegar as a weed killer.  Of course, we don’t want weeds growing in our compost, but if it will kill weeds, it will likely kill other plants, too, so be careful there.

Vinegar does have some benefits. It also tends to keep away pests from your compost.  So, a small amount of it can actually be beneficial.

Additionally, pickles are made with large amounts of salt and other preservatives.  In larger quantities, salt can be damaging to your plants.  Some plants are very susceptible to salt and won’t grow well in it.  This is why mushroom compost isn’t recommended for some plants.  It’s also high in salt.  Another reason to be careful when you compost pickles. 

Organic pickles can be a bit more beneficial for composting.  The preservatives in these tend to decompose a bit better.  You still have the salt and vinegar concerns, so all the guidance here is still true.

All that said, in moderation, pickles in your compost can be fine.  Don’t add large amounts, and you should be alright.  They are definitely organic matter if you don’t consider what preservatives they may have. 

Pickles are made from cucumbers and dill.  These are good sources of nutrients for your compost like potassium, magnesium, manganese, and copper.  All of these promote plant health.  They are also often made with garlic which has its own nutrients and keeps pests (and vampires) away.  We don’t want pests (or vampires) in our compost, so having some garlic in there isn’t a deal breaker.

How Do You Compost Pickles

When you compost pickles, it can be a good idea to take them out of the solution they’ve been in (the vinegar solution) and rinse them off.  This cuts down on the things we don’t want in the compost.

You can then cut them up, add them to your compost pile and turn your compost. Like other green materials, you want to layer it with brown material.

close up of vintage clock

How Long Does It Take a Pickle to Decompose in Compost?

Given all the preservatives, pickles can take a bit longer to decompose than other vegetables.  It varies considerably based on the nature of the preservatives of the pickle you are composting.  It can take from days to a month (or even a bit more) for a pickle to decompose.  After all, the pickling process is designed to keep the food good for a long time. 

Composting Pickles With Vermicomposting

If you use worms for composting (called vermicomposting), you want to be even a bit more careful.  If you add pickles to your compost one day, take a day off and add other compostable items.  Metering the pickles into your compost will help keep your compost from becoming too acidic and harming your worms.

You Can Compost Pickles – With a Bit of Care

So, the short story is that you can compost pickles, but you don’t want to compost too many at once.  Throwing in the occasional uneaten pickle or a few here is good for your compost. You don’t want to compost the whole jar you found in the back of your cabinet.  The vinegar and salt could harm your plants and the organisms that create the compost.