stalks of asparagus - can you compost asparagus? We explore that

Can You Compost Asparagus?


What You'll Learn

Composting is a great way to dispose of organic materials.  It takes advantage of natural processes where food decomposes.  Compost can then be added back into your soil to make your soil, and then your garden or flowers, healthier.  Most organic items can be composted, some more easily than others.  For example, animal products attract pests, so you usually don’t want to compost them at home.  Most vegetables are okay.  Can you compost asparagus?  Let’s take a look.

You can compost asparagus pretty easily.  The sturdy stems may take a bit to break down, but otherwise, asparagus composts nicely. 

How to Compost Asparagus

Like most things that we compost, you will get the best results if you cut it up.  The smaller the pieces, the faster it will compost.  Asparagus stalks are fairly sturdy and can take a little while to compost.  Cutting them up lets the microorganisms that do all the work reach more of the asparagus so they can break it down more quickly.

It doesn’t affect how easily it composts but be forewarned that you may smell your asparagus in your compost.  It’s not bad, but for best results and to avoid the smell, you might want to put your asparagus in the middle of your pile.

As always, turn your compost periodically to ensure that your compost pile stays warm and in the proper ratio.

Can I Compost Asparagus in My Worm Bin?

Yes, your worms will happily eat your asparagus.  Again, it’s a good idea to cut it up and add the asparagus into the middle of your worm castings or underneath the bedding.  Otherwise, adding asparagus to compost in a worm bin is pretty easy.

How Long Does Asparagus Take to Compost?

The sturdy stalks of asparagus mean that it won’t break down as quickly as some other materials.  It may take a few months for it to break down completely.  The smaller the pieces, the faster they will compost.

Can I Compost Asparagus?

Asparagus is one of the easier things to compost.  You can compost the entire vegetable.  It may cause a bit of an odor in your compost bin.  Overall, adding asparagus is a great addition to your compost.