rhubarb plant growing in garden - can you compost rhubarb leaves?

Can You Compost Rhubarb Leaves?


What You'll Learn

Rhubarb is a vegetable that is often used in pies.  It’s very popular in some circles.  It’s a unique plant in that while the stalk is edible, the leaves are actually very poisonous and should never be eaten.  If you are growing rhubarb or cooking with it, you have to wonder – can you compost rhubarb leaves?  Yes, you can!

The leaves are poisonous because they contain oxalic acid.  This has several nasty side effects and can make you very sick.  However, the oxalic acid breaks down quickly in your compost pile.  Once that happens, the leaves are free to decompose like other organic waste.

How to Compost Rhubarb Leaves

It’s very easy to compost rhubarb leaves. You simply add them to your compost pile.  The bigger risk comes from your pets or other animals getting into the leaves and eating them. It will make them very sick, so keep pets and kids away from the rhubarb leaves in your compost.

It’s also a good idea to wear gloves and wash your hands after handling them.

hands being washed under water

Otherwise, just add the leaves to your compost pile. 

Can You Compost Rhubarb?

Oh yes, rhubarb is easily compostable and can be added too. 

Can I Compost Rhubarb Leaves?

Yes, you can compost rhubarb leaves even though you can’t eat them.  It breaks down nicely and is non-toxic once composted. You just want to be careful in keeping animals and kids away from the leaves until they have decomposed.